Schools have a very important role in the development of our kids, and that role comes with a long list of responsibilities, legal framework, and terminologies that attorneys (and attorneys who are parents) should be familiar with.
This webinar will be available for purchase until October 3, 2025.
Subscribers have 10 days from the date of purchase to complete the webinar. After 10 days you will no longer have access to the webinar and will not be able to claim the CLE hours.If you have not paid your sustaining NSBA dues but would like to do so in order to receive discounted rates on webinars purchased through the portal (along with many other benefits), please visit
Nebraska MCLE #256804. 1.5 CLE Hours. (OnDemand credit)
Presented by the Young Lawyers Division of the Omaha Bar Association
Schools have a very important role in the development of our kids, and that role comes with a long list of responsibilities, legal framework, and terminologies that attorneys (and attorneys who are parents) should be familiar with. Join us to learn about the historical context and current legal framework around what rights and responsibilities students, schools, and parents have regarding:
(1) Obtaining an adequate education and appropriate special education placement;
(2) Assuring comprehensive accommodations;
(3) Obtaining appropriate speech, occupational, physical therapy, and other special services;
(4) Challenging school discipline actions impacted by your child's disability, and;
Learn about Parental Notification requirements, and Due Process standards for challenging school punishment of a student. We will discuss Exclusion, Removal, Suspension, Expulsion, Truancy, and best practices for obtaining (and following) Individualized Education Programs when needed for students with a verified disability.
Join us to learn about how to remove legal barriers so all children stay in school and thrive.
Lauren Micek Vargas, Esq., Executive Director, Education Rights Counsel
Active Nebraska attorneys are required to complete 10 hours of continuing legal education (CLE) each year. Two of those 10 hours must be in the field of professional responsibility (ethics). Nebraska attorneys may claim only 5 hours of distance-learning CLE per year. Webinars viewed on this portal are considered distance-learning. Under the new MCLE reporting process, the NSBA will report your attendance for this program, which will be automatically updated into your transcript. The NSBA has 30 days to report your hours to Nebraska MCLE, and your transcript may not update immediately. You are no longer able to log your own hours in your transcript; they must be reported by the sponsor.
For more information about Nebraska CLE requirements, see the MCLE Commission’s website at For questions about CLE requirements, your own CLE transcript, or about reporting CLE credit online, contact the Nebraska Supreme Court’s Attorney Services Division at (531) 510-3641.
For questions about the OnDemand Platform or the courses therein, contact the Nebraska State Bar Association at (402) 475-7091.