This webinar will be available for purchase until September 26, 2026.
Subscribers have 10 days from the date of purchase to complete the webinar. After 10 days you will no longer have access to the webinar and will not be able to claim the CLE hours.If you have not paid your voluntary NSBA dues but would like to do so in order to receive discounted rates on webinars purchased through the portal (along with many other benefits), please visit
Nebraska MCLE #265383. 1.0 CLE Ethics Hours. (OnDemand credit)
**This program has been approved for 1.0 hours of distance-learning CLE, including 1.0 hours of ethics. You may claim 1.0 hours of credit total for this program.
This presentation will examine the latest research on how lawyer personality traits influence personal well-being. Though some personality traits may serve lawyers well in achieving good outcomes for their clients, those same personality traits may impact lawyers’ vulnerability to mental health disorders, substance use disorders, and a reluctance to seek or accept help. Understanding the role that personality traits play in lawyer resilience is an important step in improving lawyer wellbeing.
Chris Aupperle, NLAP Director
Chris Aupperle is a
graduate of Creighton University, earning his undergraduate degree in 1989 and
his JD in 1992. Chris began his law career in private practice in Omaha,
NE and eventually transitioned to in-house counsel for a national food company
where he spent fourteen years practicing in the areas of property,
environmental and contract law. Chris started volunteering on the NLAP
Committee in 2001 and served as chair of the NLAP Committee in 2015-17.
In May of 2017, Chris was privileged to be selected as the Director of the
Nebraska Lawyers Assistance Program (NLAP). As NLAP Director, Chris
coordinates NLAP outreach, education and services to all Nebraska lawyers,
judges and law students who may be affected by stress, mental health, cognitive
or substance use disorders. Chris has presented over 60 CLE’s and law
school outreach programs since taking over the role of NLAP Director. He
also serves on the Advisory Committee for the Independence Center at the Bryan
Medical Center in Lincoln.
If you have any questions for the presenter(s) of this webinar, please send your question via email to Allyson Felt at She will forward your question to the presenter(s), who will provide an answer promptly.
Active Nebraska attorneys are required to complete 10 hours of continuing legal education (CLE) each year. Two of those 10 hours must be in the field of professional responsibility (ethics). Nebraska attorneys may claim only 5 hours of distance-learning CLE per year. Webinars viewed on this portal are considered distance-learning. Under the new MCLE reporting process, the NSBA will report your attendance for this program, which will be automatically updated into your transcript. The NSBA has 30 days to report your hours to Nebraska MCLE, and your transcript may not update immediately. You are no longer able to log your own hours in your transcript; they must be reported by the sponsor.
For more information about Nebraska CLE requirements, see the MCLE Commission’s website at For questions about CLE requirements, your own CLE transcript, or about reporting CLE credit online, contact the Nebraska Supreme Court’s Attorney Services Division at (531) 510-3641.
For questions about the OnDemand Platform or the courses therein, contact the Nebraska State Bar Association at (402) 475-7091.